Toyota Hiace problems and how to fix them
No matter how perfect a vehicle might seem, it will always come with shortcomings at some point. The Toyota Hiace is a great vehicle: perfect for transporting your staffs from office to anywhere, great for a school bus, great for commercial purposes and even more better for a large family. However, just like every other bus, you have to be prepared for the likely pitfalls.

The Toyota HiAce stands among the best selling Toyotas in Nigeria
Naijauto has compiled five major Toyota Hiace problems you're likely to experience. Along with the problems, are tips on how to get the vehicle up and running. Be sure to pay attention and bookmark this page.
1. The vehicle emits thick black or white smoke
This is common on Nigerian roads, especially with commercial vehicles. Buses and minivans emit thick white or black smoke and they just carry on like it's normal. The truth is when you turn on the ignition and the all you see is thick white smoke, it means you have a turbo problem. If the white smoke isn't taken seriously, it will develop into thick black smoke when you accelerate.

The most annoying problems in the HiAce is the emission of black and white smoke when cranking the engine
The first step is to examine your gas mileage, are you losing gas in a really short period?. When you notice a diminishing performance, you need to have the turbo examined. On the other hand, if performance isn't diminishing, this means it's time to change your fuel injectors.
2. The vehicle makes noise when you decelerate
When in motion, and you decelerate all the way from a speed of 70 kph or higher, do you hear noise? If you do, then you're faced with a transmission bearing problem and you need to get it checked as quickly as possible. If the noise is taken with levity, the situation will only escalate and a transmission failure is just around the corner.
The worst that could happen if you don't get it fixed is having the bearing fall apart while driving, an accident just might occur. To help keep the transmission up and running, don't hit the brakes abruptly while driving. Doing this repeatedly can ruin the transmission mounts.
3. Clutch keeps shaking
When you turn on the ignition, the engine starts to warm up and you notice the clutch vibrating, this means the clutch is oiling up. You can choose to either burn off the oil by accelerating and slipping the clutch or you just change the clutch. However, this doesn't cause direct harm to your vehicle, so you can replace it when your pocket allows you to.

An imperfect clutch is very dangerous to the car driver and occupants
Actually, to allow your clutch to last longer (and keep your brake pads healthy), you can engage it, then disengage when necessary.
4. Airbags are absent when a major accident occurs
Sadly, this is an issue we have no solution for. Apart from the Toyota Hiace, the airbag issue is common with a lot of models after 1999. The reason is that airbag deployment has been recorded to be sometimes fatal, especially to young adults and children. In order to prevent bad cases, most safety agencies pushed for a review of the airbag deployment - sensors were installed to help decide if the airbag should be deployed during an accident or not. So, if you happen to experience the absence of an airbag during an accident, the sensor already decided that you would be safer without the airbag.
>>> Click here see more the Toyota Hiace price Nigeria or updated cars sale in nigeria by's experts
5. Diesel engine refusing to start in hot weather or on cold mornings
Hot weather can prevent the engine from kicking off when you turn on the ignition, the problem is likely the ignition switch and wiring loom experiencing high resistance. Bottom line is you have to get the starter inspected by a qualified mechanic. On the other hand, if it's a cold morning, try cleaning the carburetor and changing the plugs.
Finally, keep in mind that you can't possibly fix all the problems on your own, an expert is definitely needed. However, it's best you know exactly how to react when you notice these signs. Don't ignore them, the earlier you have the problem fixed, the better for you and your vehicle.
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